1. LXXXVI. The “Escalator” process for the solution of Lagrangian frequency equations
2. Williams D. (1949). Note on the Distortion Characteristics of Swept and Cranked Wings in Relation to Flutter and other Aero-elastic Phenomena. R.A.E. Tech. Note No. Structures 44, July 1949.
3. Morris J. and Green G. S. (1945). The Pitching Vibrations of an Aircraft. R. & M. 2291, August 1945.
4. Collar A. R. (Chairman, Oscillations: Sub-Committee) (1949). Notes on (a) The Effects of Shear Stiffness on the Bending Vibrations of Beams, (b) The Distortion Characteristics of Swept and Cranked Wings. A.R.C. No. 12,028, Struct. 1263, Os. 785.
5. Anderson R. A. and Houbolt J. C. (1948). The Effect of Shear Lag on Bending Vibration of Box-beams. N.A.C.A. Tech. Note No. 1583, May 1948.