Evolution and Multidisciplinary Frontiers of14C Aerosol Science


Currie L A


A review is given of some critical events in the development of radiocarbon aerosol science, and the profound influence of radiocarbon accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) on its current applications and future prospects. The birth of this discipline occurred shortly after the initial development of14C dating. Unlike dating, which is founded on the continual decay of14C and the resulting full range of14C/12C ratios in once-living matter,14C applications to atmospheric aerosol research relate primarily to the determination of mixing ratios of fossil and biomass components. Such determinations have come to have major importance in work ranging from the resolution of woodburning and motor vehicle components of urban particulate pollution, to the apportionment of radiation-forcing (black) particulate carbon from natural wildfires and anthropogenic regional plumes. The development of this area has paralleled that of AMS itself, with the one or the other alternately serving as the driving force, in a sort of counterpoint. The remarkable million-fold improvement in sensitivity made possible by AMS has become critical in meeting rapidly emerging societal concerns with the origins and effects of individual carbonaceous species on health and climate.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,Archeology

Reference40 articles.

1. Chemically-bonded aminosilane stationary phase for the high-performance liquid chromatographic separation of polynuclear aromatic compounds

2. Isotopic and molecular fractionation in combustion; three routes to molecular marker validation, including direct molecular ‘dating’ (GC/AMS)

3. Radiocarbon ‘dating’ of individual chemical compounds in atmospheric aerosol: first results comparing direct isotopic and multivariate statistical apportionment of specific polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons;Currie;Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research,1997

4. Pearson A , Eglinton TI , McNichol AP , Currie LA , Schneider RJ , Von Reden KF , Benner BA , Wise SA . 1997. Determination of the radiocarbon ages of individual PAH extracted from urban aerosol and marine sediment. Paper 148, presented at the 16th International Radiocarbon Conference, Groningen, the Netherlands, June 1997.








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