Radiocarbon Chronology of the Late Pleistocene–Holocene Paleogeographic Events in Lake Baikal Region (Siberia)


Krivonogov Sergey K,Takahara Hikaru,Kuzmin Yaroslav V,Orlova Lyobov A,Timothy Jull A J,Nakamura Toshio,Miyoshi Norio,Kawamuro Kimiyasu,Bezrukova Elena V


New radiocarbon dates obtained from Late Pleistocene and Holocene deposits of the southern, eastern, and northern shores of Lake Baikal in 1995–2001 are presented, and the most important results of paleoenvironmental studies based on C data are discussed. The following paleogeographic events were verified with the help of C dating: 1) first Late Pleistocene glaciation (Early Zyryan); 2) Middle Zyryan interstadial; 3) loess formation during the Late Zyryan (Sartan) deglaciation; 4) warm and cold events in the Late Glacial; and 5) vegetation changes and forest successions during the Late Glacial and Holocene.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,Archaeology

Reference16 articles.

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2. Asymmetric late Pleistocene glaciations in the North Basin of the Baikal Rift, Russia







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