The realities of Medical Assistance in Dying in Canada


Coelho RamonaORCID,Maher John,Gaind K. SonuORCID,Lemmens Trudo


Abstract In 2015, the Canadian Supreme Court declared that an absolute Criminal Code prohibition on assisted suicide and euthanasia was unconstitutional. In response, the Canadian parliament enacted Bill C-14 in 2016 permitting assisted suicide and euthanasia for the end-of-life context, which it termed “Medical Assistance in Dying” (MAiD). In 2021, Bill C-7 expanded eligibility for MAiD to those with disabilities not approaching their natural death. By 2021, MAiD accounted for 3.3% of all deaths in Canada with some areas of Canada presently reporting MAiD death rates upward of 7%. In 2021, Canada had 10,064 deaths by MAiD, surpassing all jurisdictions for yearly reported assisted deaths. Objectives To examine the impact of the Canadian MAiD program and analyze its safeguards. Methods A working group of physicians from diverse practice backgrounds and a legal expert, several with bioethics expertise, reviewed Canadian MAiD data and case reports. Grey literature was also considered, including fact-checked and reliable Canadian mainstream newspapers and parliamentary committee hearings considering the expansion of MAiD. Results Several scientific studies and reviews, provincial and correctional system authorities have identified issues with MAiD practice. As well, there is a growing accumulation of narrative accounts detailing people getting MAiD due to suffering associated with a lack of access to medical, disability, and social support. Significance of results The Canadian MAiD regime is lacking the safeguards, data collection, and oversight necessary to protect Canadians against premature death. The authors have identified these policy gaps and used MAiD cases to illustrate these findings.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Psychiatry and Mental health,Clinical Psychology,General Medicine,General Nursing

Reference100 articles.

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