1. Head Alison J. and Eisenberg Michael B. , How College Students Seek Information in the Digital Age. Project Information Literacy Progress Report, December 1, 2009. The Information School, University of Washington.
2. Cohen Moris L. and Olson Kent C. , Legal Research, in a nut shell, 10th edition, West 2010.
3. Holland James and Webb Julian , Learning Legal Rules. A Students’ Guide to Legal Method and Reasoning, Seventh Edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010, p. 38–68. (Finding the Law)
4. Davidson Cathy N. and Goldberg David Theo , with the assistance of Zoe Marie Jones, The Future of Thinking. Learning Institutions in a Digital Age, The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England, Chapter 4, FLIDA 101: A Pedagogical Allegory, p. 115.
5. Kim-Prieto Dennis 'How Law Student Information Literacy (LSIL) Standards Address Deficits Identified by the MacCrate Report and the Carnegie Report, and What They Can Contribute to Legal Research Education & Training';