1. Örücü, (above n. 6), p. 351.
2. Hayton D.J. , Kortmann S.C.J.J. and (eds) H.L.E Verhagen , Principles of European Trust Law (1999), at Pp. 3–4. The National Report for Scotland is by K.G.C. Reid and is at ibid., Pp. 67–84.
3. The Principles (henceforth PECL) are only partly published. Part I (Performance, Non-performance and Remedies) appeared in 1995 ( Lando O. and (eds) H. Beale , Principles of European Contract Law (Dordrecht, London, Boston, 1995). This Part has now been revised and another Part, dealing with formation, agency, validity, interpretation, contents and effects, has been added ( Lando O and (eds) H Beale , Principles of European Contract Law Parts I and II (Dordrecht, London, Boston, 1999). A final Part is now in preparation.
4. Plessis Du , “Promises and pitfalls,” at p. 343.
5. See e.g. Simpson A.W.B. , "Innovation in nineteenth-century contract law," (1975) 91 Law Quarterly Review 247, and, more generally,