1. Note the boycott by several thousand academics of the journals of a major publisher referred to in the text accompanying n 20 above.
2. Committee on Electronic Scientific, Technical, and Medical Journal Publishing and Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy and Global Affairs Division, The National Academies, Electronic Scientific, Technical, and Medical Publishing and its Implications, The National Academies Press, Washington DC, 2004 at 24.
3. AustLII, or the Australasian Legal Information Institute, describes itself on its website as “Australia's most popular online free-access resource for Australian legal information, serving the needs of a multitude of users with over 900,000 hits daily… AustLII provides free internet access to Australasian legal materials. AustLII's broad public policy agenda is to improve access to justice through better access to information. To that end, we have become one of the largest sources of legal materials on the net, with over four million searchable documents. AustLII publishes public legal information - that is, primary legal materials (legislation, treaties and decisions of courts and tribunals); and secondary legal materials created by public bodies for purposes of public access (law reform and royal commission reports for example) and a substantial collection of law journals”. See http://www.austlii.edu.au/austlii/ (viewed 1 June 2012).
4. See http://www.ssrn.com/update/general/ssrn_faq.html under the heading ‘How do I search for a paper in the SSRN eLibrary?’ (viewed 1 June 2012).
5. SSRN uses two measurements – total number of papers downloaded and total number of papers downloaded in the past 12 months. I have used the former measure and using this measure, the leading law schools outside of the United States in terms of downloads of papers as of 6 June 2012 were, in order, Tilburg Law School (No 7), the University of Oxford Law School (No 22), the University of Toronto Law School (No 25), Melbourne Law School (No 26), Sydney Law School (No 29) and the University of Cambridge Law School (No 42).