AbstractThe recent observational data on gamma-ray bursts are reviewed. Burst time histories display features at the millisecond level which suggest a compact object origin. Lines in the energy spectra and spectral evolution point toward a Galactic neutron star origin, even though line features have not yet been confirmed in recent data. The Galactic distribution of burst sources, however, is both isotropic and sampled to its characteristic distance, making it unlikely that the sources are related to populations of Galactic neutrons stars we are familiar with. Counterpart searches, previously carried out years after the gamma-ray bursts, are now proceeding days after the events. Based on the current data, it is impossible to conclude whether bursters are Galactic, extragalactic, or both. Data being returned from current experiments, as well as data from new experiments to be launched in the next few years, may yet provide the answer.Subject heading: gamma rays: bursts
Cambridge University Press (CUP)