1. Kiernan Kathleen , Transition to Parenthood: Young Mothers, Young Fathers – Associated Factors and Later Life Experiences, WSP/113, Welfare State Programme, STICERD, LSE; and Social Policy Research 80, Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
2. Harding Seeromanie , ‘Social class differences in mortality of men: recent evidence from the OPCS Longitudinal Study’, Population Trends 80, Summer 1995. HMSO; John Craig, ‘Males and females: some vital differences’. Population Trends 80, Summer 1995, HMSO.
3. Serdjenian Evelyne , Women of Europe Supplements No. 42, Inventory of Positive Action in Europe, European Commission, Rue de la Loi 200, B–1049 Brussels, Belgium.
4. DSS press release, 10 05 1995.
5. The Independent, 7 07 1995.