AbstractWe define and study a metric independence notion in a homogeneous metric abstract elementary class with perturbations that is dp-superstable (superstable wrt. the perturbation topology), weakly simple and has complete type spaces and we give a new example of such a class based on B. Zilber’s approximations of Weyl algebras. We introduce a way to measure the dependence of a tuple a from a set B over another set A. We prove basic properties of the notion, e.g., that a is independent of B over A in the usual sense of homogeneous model theory if and only if the measure of dependence is < ε for all ε > 0. In well behaved situations, the measure corresponds to the distance to a free extension. As an example of our measure of dependence we show a connection between the measure and entropy in models from quantum mechanics in which the spectrum of the observable is discrete. As an application, we show that weak simplicity implies a very strong form of simplicity and study the question of when the dependence inside a set of all realisations of some type can be seen to arise from a pregeometry in cases when the type is not regular. In the end of the paper, we demonstrate our notions and results in one more example: a class built from the p-adic integers.
Cambridge University Press (CUP)