1. Gúzman, Ralph , Revised Bibliography. Advance Report 3, Mexican-American Study Project (Graduate School of Business Research, UCLA, 1967; 99 pp.). Comprehensive but non-annotated. Reprinted in Leo Grebler, et al., The Mexican-American People: the Nation's Second Largest Minority (N.Y., 1970; pp. 677–742).
2. Stanford University, Center for Latin American Studies, The Mexican American. A Selected and Annotated Bibliography (Mimeographed. Stanford University Bookstore, 1969; 139 pp. Rev. ed., Luis G. Nogales, ed. 1971; 162 pp.). Abstracts of the more important works on Mexican-Americans designed for ethnic-study use. Lists other bibliographies.
3. Taylor, Paul S. , “California's Farm Labor: A Review,” Agricultural History (42:1, January 1968; 49-54). Suggests some unpublished sources for the study of agricultural labor in California such as the materials collected by the Federal Writers Project (WPA) now in the Bancroft Library. Taylor's own papers are also at the University of California, Berkeley.
4. Murray R. Benedict, Paul S. Taylor , et al., Agricultural Labor in the Pacific Coast States. A Bibliography and Suggestions for Research (Pacific Coast Regional Committee of the Social Science Research Council. August 1938; 64 pp.).