The visual cortex of freshwater turtles contains pyramidal
cells, which have a regular spiking (RS) firing pattern,
and several categories of aspiny, inhibitory interneurons.
The interneurons show diverse firing patterns, including
the fast spiking (FS) pattern. Postsynaptic potentials
(PSPs) evoked in FS cells by visual stimulation of the
retina reach their peak amplitudes as much as 200 ms before
PSPs in RS cells (Mancilla et al., 1998). FS cells could,
consequently, control the amplitudes of light-evoked PSPs
in RS cells by producing disynaptic, feedforward inhibitory
postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) that overlap in time with
geniculocortical excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs).
Since FS cells receive recurrent, excitatory inputs from
RS cells, they could also control the amplitudes of light-evoked
PSPs in RS cells via polysynaptic, feedback inhibition.
The in vitro geniculocortical preparation of Pseudemys
scripta was used to characterize the temporal relationships
of EPSPs and IPSPs produced in RS cells by electrical activation
of geniculate afferents and by diffuse light flashes presented
to the retina. GABAA receptor-mediated inhibition
was blocked using extracellular application of bicuculline
(3.5 mM) or intracellular perfusion of picrotoxin (1 μM)
in individual RS cells. Electrical stimulation of thalamic
afferents produced compound PSPs. Blockade of GABAA
receptor-mediated IPSPs with either bicuculline or picrotoxin
provided evidence for both early and late IPSPs in RS cells.
Analysis of the apparent reversal potentials of light-evoked
PSPs indicated the existence of early IPSPs during the
first 140–300 ms following light onset. Light responses
of cells perfused with picrotoxin diverged from control
light responses at about 300 ms after light onset and had
maximum amplitudes that were significantly different from
control light responses. These experiments indicate that
the responses of RS cells to both electrical and natural
stimulation of geniculate afferents are controlled by both
early and late IPSPs, consistent with activation of both
feedforward and feedback pathways.
Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Sensory Systems,Physiology
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17 articles.