1. State Council. 2020b. “Guowuyuan yingdui xinxing guanzhuang bingdu ganran feiyan yiqing lianfang lian kong jizhi guanyu yinfa qi shiye danwei fugong fu chan yiqing fang kong cuoshi zhinan de tongzhi” (State Council response to COVID-19: notice on guidance for prevention and control measures on the resumption of work and production in printing and distribution enterprises), 21 February, http://www.gov.cn/zhengce/content/2020-02/22/content_5482025.htm. Accessed 25 February 2020.
2. Tuberculosis detection and the challenges of integrated care in rural China: A cross-sectional standardized patient study
3. Unequal pain: a sketch of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on migrants’ employment in China
4. State Council. 2020c. “Zhongyang yingdui xinxing guanzhuang bingdu ganran feiyan yiqing gongzuo xiaozu guanyu jinyibu zuohao yiqing fangkong qijian kunnan qunzhong doudi baozhang gongzuo de tongzhi” (Central government response to COVID-19: notice on providing help to people in straitened circumstances), 7 March, http://www.gov.cn/zhengce/content/2020-03/07/content_5488352.htm. Accessed 17 April 2020.
5. Health financing and integration of urban and rural residents’ basic medical insurance systems in China