Integrals developable about a singular point of a Hamiltonian system of differential equations. Part II


Cherry T. M.


This paper completes an investigation, of which the first part has already been published, into the integrals of a Hamiltonian system which are formally developable about a singular point of the system. Letbe a system of differential equations of which the origin is a singular point of the first type, i.e. a point at which H is developable in a convergent Taylor series, but at which its first derivatives all vanish. We suppose that H does not involve t, and we consider only integrals not involving t. Let the exponents of this singular point be ± λ1, ± λ2,…±λn. In Part I, I considered the case in which the constants λ1,…λn are connected by no relation of commensurability, i.e. a relation of the formwhere A1An are integers (positive, negative or zero) not all zero, and showed that the equations (1) possess n, and only n, integrals not involving t which are formally developable as power series in the xk, yk. In this paper I consider the case in which λ1 … λn are connected by one or more relations of commensur-ability. Suppose that there are p, and only p, such relations linearly independent (p > 0): it will be shown that the equations (1) possess (n − p) independent integrals not involving t, formally developable about the origin and independent of H.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


General Mathematics

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5. Non-convergence of formal integrals of motion;Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General;2003-07-29







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