On the stabilization of matrices and the convergence of linear iterative processes


Fisher Michael E.,Fuller A. T.


In this note we show that if a real square matrix P fulfils certain rather general conditions then there exists a real diagonal matrix D such that the characteristic equation of DP is stable and, furthermore, aperiodic. (A characteristic equation is called stable if the real parts of its roots are all negative. If the roots are all real and simple the equation is said to be aperiodic; see Fuller(3).)


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


General Mathematics

Reference7 articles.

1. Ueber die Bedingungen, unter welchen eine Gleichung nur Wurzeln mit negativen reellen Theilen besitzt

2. (2) Fisher M. E. The solution of problems in theoretical physics by electronic analogue methods, Ph.D. Thesis (London, 1957) § 11.5.

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4. On the continuous solution of integral equations by an electronic analogue. I

5. (5) Householder A. S. On the convergence of matrix iterations, United States Atomic Energy Commission Report ORNL-1883 (1955).

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3. Zero-nonzero tree patterns that allow;Linear and Multilinear Algebra;2021-10-12

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5. Index;Matrix Positivity;2020-08-31








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