Recall that the first homology group H1(G)
of a group G is the derived quotient
G/[G, G]. The first homology groups
of the mapping class groups of closed orientable
surfaces are well known. Let F be a closed orientable surface
of genus
g. Recall that the extended mapping class group
[Mscr ]*F of the surface F is the group
of the
isotopy classes of self-homeomorphisms of F. The
mapping class group [Mscr ]F of F
the subgroup of [Mscr ]*F consisting of the
isotopy classes of orientation-preserving self-homeomorphisms of F.
It is well known that [Mscr ]F is trivial if
F is a sphere. Hence the
first homology group of the mapping class group of a sphere is trivial.
If the genus
of F is at least three, then H1([Mscr ]F)
is again trivial. This result is due to Powell [P].
The group H1([Mscr ]F) is Z10
if the genus of F is two, proved by Mumford [Mu],
Z12 if F is a torus. When a problem about
orientable surfaces is solved, it is natural
to ask the corresponding problem for nonorientable surfaces. This is our
for the present paper.
Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Cited by
25 articles.