1. A. Fellmeth and M. Horwitz , Guide to Latin in International Law (Oxford University Press, 2011)
2. C. Ryngaert and F. Pennings , ‘Fundamentele Arbeidsrechten en Immuniteit. De Zaak tegen de Europese Octrooiorganisatie’ (2015) 859 Nederlands Juristenblad 1212
3. E. David , ‘S.A. International Hotels Worldwide v. S.A. Grandvision Belgium, Civil Court of Brussels, Judgment of 23 June 2011 (note)’ (2011) Journal des Tribunaux 655
4. Annotatie T. de Boer (2013) 856 Rechtspraak van de Week (in Dutch), criticising a Supreme Court judgment giving undue weight to State interests as opposed to creditors’ interests
5. M. Emberland , The Human Rights of Companies (Oxford University Press, 2006)