1. Infant Safety With Antipsychotic Therapy in Breast-Feeding
2. Bauer, A , Paronage, M , Knapp, M , et al. (2014). The Costs of Perinatal Mental Health Problems. The London School of Economics, Personal Social Services Research Unit. Available at: http://eprints.lse.ac.uk/59885/1/__lse.ac.uk_storage_LIBRARY_Secondary_libfile_shared_repository_Content_Bauer%2C%20M_Bauer_Costs_perinatal_%20mental_2014_Bauer_Costs_perinatal_mental_2014_author.pdf (last accessed 8.9.19).
3. What happened later to the lithium babies? A FOLLOW-UP STUDY OF CHILDREN BORN WITHOUT MALFORMATIONS
4. Prevention of bipolar episodes with lithium in the perinatal period