1. See http://www.magsq.com.au/museum/finder.asp.
2. Margaret Henty, 'The Distributed National Collection', Australian Academic & Research Libraries 22(4) (1991), 53-9
3. Andrew Simpson, 'Cinderella, fifteen years after the ball: Australia's university museums reviewed', Museums Australia Magazine, 21(2) (2012), 18-20.
4. P. R. Muir, C. C. Wallace, T. Done and J. D. Aguirre, 'Limited scope for latitudinal extension of reef corals', Science 348 (2015), 1135-8
5. C. H. White, D. W. J. Bosence, B. R. Rosen and C. C. Wallace, 'Response of Acropora to warm climates: Lessons from the geological past', in Proceedings of the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, 7-11 July 2008, Vol. 1 (2010), 7-12.