1. U.S. Department of Agriculture-Cooperative State Research, Extension, and Education Service (USDA-CSREES). NRICGP Program Description and Guidelines for Proposal Preparation, Fiscal Year 2002. Available at the USDA-CSREES NRICGP website: http://www.reeusda.gov/nri.
2. USDA-CSREES. “Competitive Grants Workshop," Denver, CO, Oct. 6, 2000.
3. Issues and Trends in Agricultural and Agricultural Economics Research Funding
4. USDA-CSREES. NRICGP Application Kit. Available at the USDA-CSREES website www.reeusda.gov/ nri. [As of fiscal year 2002, many components of the former Application Kit have been transferred into the Program Description. Forms within the former Application Kit are now listed as “Application Forms" on the USDA-CSREES NRICGP website.]