-process generates a graph at random by starting with an empty graph with
vertices, then adding edges one at a time uniformly at random among all pairs of vertices which have degrees at most
and are not mutually joined. We show that, in the evolution of a random graph with
vertices under the
-process with
fixed, with high probability, for each
$j \in \{0,1,\dots,d-2\}$
, the minimum degree jumps from
when the number of steps left is on the order of
$\ln (n)^{d-j-1}$
. This answers a question of Ruciński and Wormald. More specifically, we show that, when the last vertex of degree
disappears, the number of steps left divided by
$\ln (n)^{d-j-1}$
converges in distribution to the exponential random variable of mean
; furthermore, these
distributions are independent.
Cambridge University Press (CUP)