The basic results of the SMA were presented and summarized in two SMA Symposia Proceedings, edited by Simon (1984 (I) we will refer to this publication using abbreviation SIM) and by De Jager and Svestka (1986, DJS (II)). Other papers discussing SMA results can be found in Proceedings of SMM Workshops (Kundu and Woodgate, 1986 - KAW (III); Poland, 1986 - POL (IV); Dennis et al., 1987 (DOK (V)) and three other meetings held at Kunming (De Jager and Chen Biao, 1985, JCB (VI)) Irkutsk (Stepanov and Obridko, 1986 (SAO (VII)) and Sacramento Peak (Neidig, 1986, NEI (VIII)). A summary of Soviet contributions to the SMA (until 1985) was prepared by Stepanov (in SAO, p. 5). Kindly note that this Section does not mention most of the SMA results that belong to the topics of the subsequent sections of this report: thus the SMA results of space observations should be found in Section VI, radio observations in Section VII, etc. The present report will be mostly limited to those results of the SMA which use or interpret optical ground-based data.
Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Reference50 articles.
1. 21 May 1980 flare review
2. V: Kapid Fluctuations in Solar Flares, NASA CP 2449 (DOK), Dennis B.R. , Orwig L.E. , and Kiplinger A.L. (eds.), 1987.
3. Energy release in solar flares