Working Group 4: Structure of Atomic Spectra


Martin W.C.


The ongoing program of the Atomic Energy Levels Data Center (National Bureau of Standards) to produce new compilations of critically evaluated energy level data is at present focused on the first thirty elements. The most recently completed compilations in this series give energy levels for all the spectra of Mn (Mn I-XXV) (1), Cr (Cr I-XXIV) (2), V (V I-XXIII) (3), Ti (Ti I-XXII) (4),Ca (Ca I-XX) (5), and Al (Al I-XIII) (6), and work is underway on the spectra of K and Mg. C.E. Moore’s “Selected Tables of Atomic Spectra” now include 0 1 (7), 0 VI, O VII, and O VIII (8), work on the tables for the remaining oxygen spectra is in progress. A finding list for lines of the multiplets in Sections 1-7 of Moore’s NSRDS-NBS 3 series has been compiled by Adelman et al. (9). A recent publication of the AEL Data Center, “Atomic Energy Levels - The Rare-Earth Elements” (10), gives energy-level data for 66 spectra of the 15 elements La through Lu (Z=57-71), including a number of astronomically important spectra. A review of rare-earth spectral data by Blaise et al. (11) gives partial tables of energy levels and wavelengths and includes data on hyperfine-structure and isotope shifts. The first version of a much needed new compilation of “Line Spectra of the Elements” has recently been published (12). These tables contain some 42,000 lines, including the stronger lines of the first and second spectra of 98 elements and lines of the third, fourth, and fifth spectra for about half the elements from the vacuum ultraviolet to the far infrared. Outred (13) has compiled 8885 selected lines of 57 elements in the infrared region 1-4 pm, with energy-level classifications being given where available. Energy-level and Grotrian diagrams for the atoms and positive ions of the elements H through P (Z=l-15) have been prepared by Bashkin and Stoner (14), and further publications for the heavier elements are planned. The AEL Data Center (NBS) expects to publish in 1979 a “Bibliography on Atomic Energy Levels and Spectra” for the period July 1975 through December 1978 (15). Edlen’s 1976 review of term analysis of atomic spectra has references for spectra of the elements He through Ni (16), and Adelman et al. (17) have compiled an astronomically oriented bibliography on atomic autoionization. A bibliography on experimental isotope shifts in atomic spectra by Heilig (18) gives 666 references.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)







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