1. See above, n. 123.
2. This idea is treated separately in Milsom , ‘Law and Fact.’ See below, n. 149.
3. ‘[J]udicatum est calumniam ejus [Nihardi] injustam esse. Guismandus enim iste, cui Nihardus modo calumniabatur, emerat molinum tunc quando illas VII libras pro eo reddidit Salomoni, et quod emptio sua erat, poterat eum dare cui volebat sine ulla contradictione’: MV 32.
4. See above, n. 87, and below, nn. 94, 95. For other references in charters of Saint-Aubin to narrationes or to the act of narrating, see A 70 (1067–1109), 187 (1067–81), 329 (before 1096), 388 (1082–1106), 414 (1090–1116), 878 (1082–1106). For a reference to a narratio in a charter of Marmoutier, see MV 31 (1050–60). On English narrationes, see Milsom , Historical Foundations 39–42.
5. V 481.