1. ‘Indui namque faciem porci per affectatas et perpetratas multas immunditias …’ (op. cit. 608).
2. Op. cit. (n. 39 supra) 609.
3. This mistake, which runs through the whole prologue to book 1 and is not corrected until well into the first chapter, is common to all the ms copies I have checked specifically for this: all three illustrated copies as well as several unillustrated ones in Munich and the ms in Baltimore. The latter shows a correction mark made by a medieval, if not contemporary, hand in one place in the margin of fol. 9v, and even at the beginning of book 2 the original scribe was apparently still confused, for he wrote: ‘… liber de sponsa austri scilicet de filia pharaonis,’ which was corrected to … Babylonis by a later hand (fol. 23r).
4. The basic study of this phenomenon is by Wirth Karl-August , 'Von mittelalterlichen Bildern und Lehrfiguren im Dienste der Schule und des Unterrichts,' Studien zum städtischen Bildungswesen des späten Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit, edd. Moeller Bernd et al. (Göttingen 1983) 256-370