Summae on Raymond de Pennafort's ‘Summa de Casibus’ in the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich


Pennington Kenneth


Since Schulte first examined the varioussummae casuumandsummae confessorum, a number of studies by Dietterle, Teetaert, Michaud-Quantin and others have appeared to chart this region of canonical literary history. However, there are a number of anonymoussummaein the Munich Staatsbibliothek which throw some light on the early development of this literary form.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Literature and Literary Theory,Philosophy,Religious studies,Visual Arts and Performing Arts

Reference38 articles.

1. Clm 19802 also has these additions, but the text is so badly damaged at these two points that I could discern only a word here and there — the texts seem to be the same as in Clm 16122.

2. The first titles of the Summa are De iustitia et iure et constitutionibus, De consuetudinibus, De parochiis, De sepulturis, De decimis, De primiciis et oblationibus, De regularibus et transeuntibus, De conversione coniugatorum, De voto, De negotiis clericorum et laicorum.

3. See Dietterle 24.520-30 and 26.79-80. On Conrad of Höxter see Kuttner, ‘Pierre de Roissy and Robert of Flamborough,’ Traditio 2 (1944) 494 n. 10; A. Walz, Compendium historiae ordinis praedicatorum (Rome 1948) 152; Michaud-Quantin, Sommes de casuistique 24-25. Twelve MSS of this Summa have come to my attention. Two attribute the Summa to Conrad, Clm 2956 fol. 75ra-106v and Prague Metropolitan Chapter I 28; two to Raymond, Graz Univ. 1434 fol. 105v-119r and Clm 19139 fol. 14r-27v (not complete); and one, which may be the oldest, to a certain Sibotus (Sibertus ?), Graz Univ. 1494 fol. 72r-121 r. The Summa is anonymous in the remaining manuscripts: Assisi Biblioteca Comunale 635 fol. 1ra-15 vb, Bamberg Theol. 99 fol. 132-152 (prologue is missing), Clm 22293 fol. 178ra-181ra (not complete), Graz Univ. 1294 fol. 164r-180v (prologue and end are missing), Prague Metropolitan Chapter K 12 fol. 1r-16 r, and Freiburg Univ. 252. Whether Conrad was the author of this Summa seems to be still open to question. I hope to examine this problem in detail at another time. — Graz Univ. 1294 fol. 143r-163v also contains a late adaptation of Conrad's Summa. The author used nineteen of Conrad's titles, but left out all the legal citations and changed the wording of the text slightly. These titles are contained on fol. 143r-155 v. On fol. 155v-159 v the author included short dicta of legal rules which were important for the

4. The Summa is interrupted in Clm 27302 by a tract on fol. 23ra-24vb 'Excepta de geomancia,’ which begins ‘De marito et uxore, si uis scire quis eorum primo moriatur.’ This manuscript also contains a Summa de casibus which still has to be placed in the penitential-literature, but appears to be a continuation and expansion of Raymond's Summa de casibus. The work is on fol. 50ra-153rb and begins ‘Queritur de hiis qui scienter peccauerunt.’ See Kuttner, Repertorium 446. Dr. H. Hauke of the Staatsbibliothek, who is preparing a catalogue of the Latin MSS not covered by the present published catalogue, has kindly informed me that the tract ‘Queritur de hiis’ in Clm 27302 is not complete. The first forty of the sixty-three titles listed in the beginning of the work are in order (to fol. 118rb), but from fol. 118rb to 147ra we have titles 47, 48, and 49, followed by the title De adulterio uel stupro (fol. 126va), which repeats (but is not identical with) title 39. Then come titles 55, 54, 56, 57 in that order, followed by two more repeated, but not identical titles, De symonia (fol. 147 ra) and De observantia ieuniorum (fol. 151 va). The remaining sixteen titles are missing.

5. Cf. with Raymond's ending of the Summa de casibus 584.







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