1. Architectural Symbolism and Imperial Ideology: Smith,Architectural Symbolism.— 2. Justinian and the Idea of Empire: Rubin,Zeitalter Iustinians.— 3. Byzantine Iconoclasm: a. Grabar,Iconoclasme byzantin; Kitzinger, ‘Cult of Images,' etc.; b. Alexander,Patriarch Nicephorus.— 4. Early Christian Iconology of the Crucifixion: a. Grillmeier,Logos am Kreuz; b. Grabar,Ampoules de Terre-Sainte.— 5. Imago Dei: Crouzel,Image de Dieu chez Origène.— 6. Civitas Dei: Mommsen,Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Part III. —7. Opus Dei: Chavasse,Sacramentaire gélasien.— 8. Philology and Spirituality: a. Fichtenau,Arenga; b. Leclercq,Amour des lettres et désir de Dieu.— 9. Typology and Imagery: Schmidt,Armenbibeln.— 10. Transition and Continuity: A. Late Ancient and Medieval Art:Kunstgeschichtliche Anzeigen, Neue Folge, vol. 3 and vol. 4, 1 and 2. —B. Byzantium: a.Berichte zum XI. Internationalen Byzantinisten-Kongress, München 1958; b.Dumbarton Oaks Papers, vols. 8, 9-10, 11, and 12. —C. Middle Ages and Renaissance: a. Saxl,Lectures; b. Mommsen,Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Parts I and II.
Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Literature and Literary Theory,Philosophy,Religious studies,Visual Arts and Performing Arts
Reference424 articles.
1. Rudolph Agricola's Life of Petrarch
2. Mommsen, loc. cit. 190.
3. Mommsen, ‘Petrarch and the Story of the Choice of Hercules,’ loc. cit. 175-196.
4. Cf. Mommsen, loc. cit. 108 notes 13f. Interestingly enough, the Romantics were to use similar metaphors for the Middle Ages: this period may have been a night, but a night full of stars.