From frog skin to sheep rumen: a survey of transport of salts and water across multicellular structures


Keynes R. D.


All higher animals, whether they live in water or on dry land, are faced with the necessity of regulating rather closely their intake and excretion of salts and water in order to maintain the constancy of their internal ionic environment. The kidney is in general the most important organ of the body as far as the excretion of sodium, potassium, chloride and water is concerned, but there are other tissues which also play a part in controlling the ionic balance between the internal and external environments, such as the intestinal mucosa, the skin and urinary bladder in amphibia, the gill epithelium in fishes, the salt gland in marine birds, and the epithelium of the rumen in ruminants. In addition to excretory and absorptive organs of this type, there are others which are secretory and whose function involves the production of fluids differing in ionic composition from the blood plasma. Examples include the glands which secrete saliva and sweat, the oxyntic acid-producing cells of the gastric mucosa, and the epithelium of the stria vascularis which generates the potassium-rich endolymph of the mammalian cochlea. The purpose of this article is to consider briefly what is known about the active transport of salts and water across some typical multicellular secretory tissues, and to attempt in the process to discern what properties they have in common and in what respects they are specialized.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)



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