Trilobites from theCedaria prolificaZone (Cambrian, upper Guzhangian) of the Precordillera of Mendoza, western Argentina


Tortello M. FrancoORCID


AbstractTrilobites from the upper Guzhangian of the southern Argentine Precordillera, preliminarily described by Carlos Rusconi in the 1950s, are revised herein. The specimens studied were collected from an allochthonous limestone block of La Cruz Olistoliths at 200 m northwest of Estancia San Isidro locality (San Isidro area, Mendoza). Taxa compriseKormagnostus seclusus(Walcott, 1884),Cedaria prolificaWalcott, 1924,C.puelchanaRusconi, 1954,Tricrepicephalus texanus(Shumard, 1861),Meteoraspis metra(Walcott, 1890),Coosia conicephala(Rusconi, 1954) new combination,Coosella texana? Resser, 1942,Nasocephaluscf.N. nasutusWilson, 1954, andOlenoides proa(Rusconi, 1954) new combination. The North American generaMeteoraspisResser, 1935 andNasocephalusWilson, 1954 are reported confidently from South America for the first time. This assemblage is representative of theCedaria prolificaZone, which correlates with the lowerCrepicephalusZone of the traditional North American genus-based zonation. Most of the genera and species identified were previously described exclusively from Canada, the United States, and northwestern Mexico, a fact that provides new support to an allochthonous Laurentian origin of the Argentine Precordillera.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)



Reference96 articles.

1. A Monograph of British Trilobites

2. Redescription of a Lotagnostus–Mendoparabolina faunule (Trilobita; late Furongian) from Quebrada San Isidro, Precordillera of Mendoza, Argentina

3. Biogeographic shifts in a transgressive succession: the Cambrian (Furongian, Jiangshanian; Latest Steptoean–earliest Sunwaptan) agnostoid arthropods Kormagnostella Romanenko and Biciragnostus Ergaliev in North America

4. Late Cambrian and Early Ordovician trilobites from the Marathon Uplift, Texas;Wilson;Journal of Paleontology,1954

5. Correlación de organismos cambro-ordovícicos de varias localidades de Mendoza;Rusconi;Revista del Museo de Historia Natural de Mendoza,1962







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