Hungary and the Indirect Protection of EU Fundamental Rights and the Rule of Law


Dawson Mark,Muir Elise


According to Article 2 of the Treaty on European Union, the European Union is a political and economic union founded on a respect for fundamental rights and the rule of law, referred to hereafter as EU fundamental values. The central place of this commitment in the EU Treaties suggests a founding assumption: That the EU is a Union of states who themselves see human rights and the rule of law as irrevocable parts of their political and legal order. Reminiscent of the entry of Jorg Haider's far-right Freedom Party into the Austrian government in 2000, the events of 2012 have done much to shake that assumption; questioning both how interwoven the rule of law tradition is across the present-day EU, and the role the EU ought to play in policing potential violations of fundamental rights carried out via the constitutional frameworks of its Member States. Much attention in this field, much like the focus of this paper, has been placed on events in one state in particular: Hungary.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)



Reference105 articles.

1. Press Release, European Commission, Statement of the European Commission on the Situation in Hungary on 11 January 2012 (Jan. 11, 2012) [hereinafter European Commission Statement], available at See generally Opinion of the European Commission for Democracy Through Law (Venice Commission) on the New Constitution of Hungary, CDL-AD (2011) 016 (June 17-18, 2011), available at (illustrating the reaction of other institutions)

2. Resolution on the Revised Hungarian Constitution, Eur. Parl. Doc. P7_TA 0315 (2011), available at

3. See Opinion of the European Commission for Democracy Through Law (Venice Commission) on the Three Legal Questions Arising in the Process of Drafting the New Constitution of Hungary, paras. 14–19, CDL-AD (2011) 016 (Mar. 25–26, 2011), available at

4. A Magyar Köztársaság Alkotmánya [Constitution of the Republic of Hungary], available at

5. See generally Hungarian Civil Liberties Union, Summary of the Decision of the Constitutional Court of Hungary on the Media Laws in 2011 by the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (2013), available at The Human Rights Watch also reports that there are efforts in Hungary to bring the case further to the ECHR, see Memo from the HRW, supra note 7.

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