1. (98) For Germany it means, arguably, that the structures protecting Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft will also have to be measured against these standards. HELLWIG, EWS 2001, 580, 582, for example, qualifies the arrangements pertaining the Volkswagen as \“golden shares\”.
2. (97) ECJ Case C-503/99: Commission vs. Belgium, para. 49 - 50.
3. (96) ECJ Case C-483/99: Commission vs. France, para. 50 et seq. (with respect to the caps restricting substantial blockholdings) and para. 52 (with respect to the exclusive veto rights).
4. (92) ECJ Case C-483/99: Commission vs. France, para. 47
5. (89) The Belgian Royal Decree of 10 June 1994 provided that a share in Société nationale de transport par canalisations (SNTC) which had, upon privatization, to be assigned to the state shall confer on a minister the right to oppose any transfer, use as security or change in the intended destination of SNTC\'s system of lines and conduits which are used or are capable of being used as major infrastructures for the domestic conveyance of energy products, if the Minister considers that the operation in question adversely affects the national interest in the energy sector; see ECJ Case C-503/99: Commission vs. Belgium, para. 9. The Belgian Royal Decree of 16 June 1994 provided the same with respect to Société de distribution du gaz SA (Distrigaz).