1. Strange Susan , Cave! Hic Dragones: A Critique of Regime Analysis, in International Regimes 37 (Stephen D. Krasner ed., 1983). See Sterling-Folker Jennifer , Realist Global Governance: Revisiting Cave! Hic Dragones and Beyond, in Contending Perspectives on Global Governance. Coherence, Contestation and World Order 17 (Alice D. Ba & Matthew J. Hoffmann eds., 2005).
2. Clive Archer, International Organizations 68–87 (2001).
3. See Zangl Bernhard & Zürn Michael , Make Law, Not War: Internationale und transnationale Verrechtlichung als Baustein für Global Governance, in Verrechtlichung - Baustein für Global Governance?, 12 (Bernhard Zangl & Michael Zürn eds., 2004); Zangl Bernhard , Das Entstehen internationaler Rechtstaatlichkeit?, in Transformationen des Staates? 123 (Stephan Leibfried & Michael Zürn eds., 2006); Alec Stone Sweet, Judicialization and the Construction of Governance, 32 Comparative Political Studies 147 (1999).
4. Hawkins Darren G. & Jacoby Wade , How Agents Matter, in Delegation and Agency in International Organizations 199, 210–212 (Darren G. Hawkins, David A. Lake, Daniel L. Nielson & Michael J. Tierney eds., 2006).
5. Schuler Gefion , in this issue.