1. There are symptoms that Latvia itself experiences the lack of the construction workers due to the mass influx of the population to the EU-15. Also, see Migration and the Latvian Labor Market at http://latviaeconomy.blogspot.com/2007/08/migration-and-latvian-labour-market.html (last accessed on 18 November 2008).
2. Case 36/02 Omega, 2004 ECR I-9609. The Court refers to Omega briefly in para. 93, 94 of Laval.
3. Para. 108 (the obstacle at stake cannot be justified by the social purpose), para. 95 (collective action should be balanced against the internal market).
4. Para. 275, 303 in the Opinion of AG Mengozzi (Eur. Court H.R., Gustafsson, Judgement of 25 April 1996, Report of Judgements and Decisions 1996-II; Eur. Court H.R., Sørensen v. Rasmussen, Judgment of 11 Ianuary 2006, unreported). In para. 302 AG discusses another Strasbourg case in the context of the overpowered Swedish trade unions (Eur. Court H.R‥, Evaldsson and Others v. Sweden, Judgement of 13 February 1996, Application no. 75251/01).
5. Davies , supra note 113. Cf. also Erika Kovacs The right to strike in the European Social Charters, 26 Comparative Labour Law & Policy Journal, 445, 445–475 (2005).