1. “(1) Every person shall have the right freely to express and disseminate his opinions in speech, writing, and pictures and to inform himself without hindrance from generally accessible sources. Freedom of the press and freedom of reporting by means of broadcasts and films shall be guaranteed. There shall be no censorship.
2. 23 BGHSt 64, 70.
3. Kammergericht (Chamber Court [KG]) Berlin, NJW 3500 (1999).
4. Koenig and Seitz , Die straf- und strafverfahrensrechtlichen Regelungen des Verbrechensbekaempfungsgesetzes, NStZ 1, 3 (1995).
5. Verwaltungsgerichtshof (Higher Administrative Court [VGH]) Mannheim, Neue Zeitschrift fuer Verwaltungsrecht (NVwZ) 935 (2006).