Patent Law and the Materiality of Inventions in the California Oil Industry: The Story of Halliburton v. Walker, 1935–1946




This article examines a patenting conflict between the Halliburton Oil Well and Cementing Company and an independent inventor named Cranford Walker. It argues that Halliburton’s effort to lower the barriers to entry into the oil well depth measurement industry facilitated the re-emergence of materiality as a pre-condition for the patent eligibility of inventive processes. In 1941, Walker sued Halliburton for infringement of three of his patents, and Halliburton responded with an aggressive defense aimed at invalidating them. Over the next five years, the courts handling this conflict adopted very narrow legal theories developed during the Second Industrial Revolution to assess the patent eligibility of inventions that involved mental steps—processes such as mathematical computations, which people can perform in their minds. The resulting legal precedent cleared the path for Halliburton’s short-term industrial goals and continued to shape patent law for the rest of the century.


Center for the Protection of Intellectual Property, George Mason University

Yale Program in the History of Science and Medicine

Hoover Institution

Smithsonian National Museum of American History

Science and Technology Studies, University of California, Davis


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


History,Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous)

Reference56 articles.

1. Holland Furniture v. Perkins Glue, 277 U.S. 245 (1928).

2. McCoy, James . Automatic echo meter. US Patent 4,934,186, filed September 29, 1987, and issued June 19, 1990.

3. Walker, Cranford . Method of determining fluid density, fluid pressure, and the production capacity of oil wells. US Patent Re 21,383, originally issued as 2,161,711, filed October 26, 1937, and reissued March 5, 1940.

4. Walker, Cranford . Valve operating means. US Patent 2,038,252, filed May 31, 1935, and issued April 21, 1936.

5. Medical Monopoly







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