1. A General Purpose Analogue Computer. Short Bros. & Harland. 1953.
2. Raymond F. H. (1952). Le Calcul Analogique Recueil de conférences données en Mai 1952 a L'Institut National pour les applications du calcul á Rome.
3. Strang C. R. (1951). Computing Machines in Aircraft Engineering. Joint A.I.E.E. and I.R.E. Computer Conference, Dec. 1951. (A.R.C. Paper 14,767, 0.982, Comp. 4. 1952.)
4. Redshaw S. C. (1952). Electrical Analogues for the Solution of Problems Concerning the Extension and Flexure of Flat Elastic Plates. A.R.C. Paper 15,335. Struct. 1583. Comp. 16. 1952.