1. We need to bear in mind that, in Europe, liberalism was implanted in societies in transition from the Old Regime, as stated by A. Mayer, The Persistence of the Old Regime: Europe to the Great War (New York: Pantheon, 1981). Moreover, the acceptance rather than the imposition of a certain biopolitics, implying acceptance of health discipline by the population, has already been theorised by M. Foucault; see Patrice Bourdelais, op. cit. (note 3), among others.
2. That was not only true for Majorca. For other territories, see E. Tognotti, op. cit. (note 2).
3. For instance, Alaró maintained the cordon sanitaire from 10 October to 22 November 1870 (Alaró Municipal Archive (AMAl), Municipal Records: 10-10-1870 and 22-11-1870). Meanwhile, Alcúdia made all new arrivals observe five days of quarantine and three days for their goods (AMA, Municipal Records: 30-10-1870).
4. Ibid., 316.
5. ‘Palma y villas de Mallorca el establecimiento de un cordón sanitario en los alrededores de la ciudad, como el establecido en 1821 (episodio de fiebre amarilla), interpretando el deseo de la mayoría de los habitantes de la isla’, Llabrés Bernal, Noticias y relaciones históricas de Mallorca, 315.