1. Lévy-Provençal, E. (1950–3), Histoire de l’Espagne musulmane, 3 vols., Leiden and Paris
2. Rodger, R. (1996), A Consolidated Bibliography of Urban History, Aldershot (uneven coverage)
3. Hyde, J. K. (1973), Society and Politics in Medieval Italy: The Evolution of Civil Life, 1000–1350, London
4. Barlow, F. , Biddle, M. , von Feilitzen, O. and Keene, D. J. (1976), Winchester in the Early Middle Ages: An edition and Discussion of the Winton Domesday, ed. M. Biddle , Oxford
5. Pryor, J. H. (ed.) (1981), Business Contracts of Medieval Provence: Selected Notulae from the Cartulary of Giraud Amalric of Marseilles, 1248, Toronto