The Nationalist Revolution: from Canton to Nanking, 1923–28


Wilbur C. Martin


Cambridge University Press

Reference956 articles.

1. Fischer Louis . The Soviets in world affairs: a history of the relations between the Soviet Union and the rest of the world. 2 vols. London and New York: Jonathan Cape, 1930

2. Wilbur C. Martin . ‘Problems of starting a revolutionary base: Sun Yat-sen in Canton, 1923’. Bulletin of the Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica (Taipei), 4.2 (1974)

3. Wilbur C. Martin and How Julie Lien-ying , eds. Documents on communism, nationalism, and Soviet advisers in China, 1918–1927: papers seized in the 1927 Peking raid. New York: Columbia University Press, 1956

4. Cherepanov A. I. , Zapiski voennogo sovetnika v Kitae; iz istorii pervoi grazdanskoi revolutionnoi coiny, 1924–1927 (Notes of a military adviser in China: from the history of the first revolutionary civil war in China, 1924–1927).

5. Li Yun-han . Ts'ungjung-Kung tao ch'ing-tang (From admitting the communists to the purification of the Kuomintang). Taipei: China Committee on Publication Aid and Prize Awards, 1966; cited as TJK

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