1. Yip Ka-che . Religion, nationalism and Chinese students: the anti-Christian movement of 1922–1927. Bellingham: Center for East Asian Studies, Western Washington University, 1980
2. Yin Chung-ts'ai , ed. Chai-ch'eng ts'un chih (Gazetteer of Chai-ch'eng village). 1925. Taipei reprint, 1968
3. Wu Tien-wei . The Sian Incident: a pivotal point in modern Chinese history. Ann Arbor: Center for Chinese Studies, University of Michigan, 1976
4. Yao Hsin-nung . The malice of empire, trans, of Ch'ing kung yüan and intro. by Jeremy Ingalls . Berkeley: University of California Press, 1970
5. Yang Gladys , ed. and trans. Silent China: selected writings of Lu Xun. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1973