1. Taylor, George , The French Revolution and the London Stage 1789–1805, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000.
2. Bondeson, Jan , The London Monster: A Sanguinary Tale, London: Free Association Books, 2000.
3. ‘ Saunders, Henry Martin ’, The Crimps, or the Death of poor Howe: A Tragedy in One Act, London: D. I. Eaton, 1794.
4. Lorraine de Montluzin, Emily , The Anti-Jacobins, 1798–1800: The Early Contributors to the Anti-Jacobin Review, New York: St Martin’s, 1988.
5. Thelwall, John , The Tribune, A Periodical Publication, consisting chiefly of the Political Lectures of John Thelwall, 3 vols., London: D. I. Eaton, J. Smith, J. Burks, 1795.