Occurrence and Recovery of Different Neglect-Related Symptoms in Right Hemisphere Infarct Patients during a 1-Year Follow-Up


Nurmi Laura,Ruuskanen Eija-Inkeri,Nurmi Mari,Koivisto Anna-Maija,Parkkila Anna-Kaisa,Numminen Heikki,Dastidar Prasun,Jehkonen Mervi


AbstractObjectives: To examine the occurrence of and recovery from visual neglect-related symptoms with the focus on neglect laterality, ipsilateral orienting bias, and slowed processing speed in right hemisphere (RH) infarct patients during a 1-year follow-up. Furthermore, to propose guidelines for assessing processing speed alongside the Behavioural Inattention Test (BIT). Methods: We studied three RH patient groups: neglect (N+), mild left inattention (MLI+), and non-neglect (N−) patients, and healthy controls. The BIT with some additional analyses was conducted at the acute phase and at 6 and 12 months. Results: The N+ group’s BIT score increased and originally lateralized omissions became more evenly distributed during the follow-up. The N+ and MLI+ groups’ starting points were more rightward located than the healthy group’s at the acute phase and at 6, and partly at 12 months. Patient groups were slower than the controls in performing cancellation tests at the acute phase. The N+ and MLI+ groups remained slower than the controls throughout the follow-up. Conclusions: During the first year after RH infarct, originally left-sided manifestation of neglect shifted toward milder non-lateralized attentional deficit. Ipsilateral orienting bias and slowed processing speed appeared to be rather persistent neglect-related symptoms both in neglect patients and patients with initially milder inattention. We propose some effortless, tentative ways of examining processing speed and ipsilateral orienting bias alongside the BIT to better recognize these neglect-related symptoms, and highlight the need to assess and treat patients with initially milder inattention, who have been under-recognized and under-treated in clinical work. (JINS, 2018, 24, 617–628)


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Psychiatry and Mental health,Clinical Neurology,Clinical Psychology,General Neuroscience








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