1. Australia as a Powerbroker on Refugee Protection in Southeast Asia: The Relationship with Indonesia
2. Conducting Interpretive Policy Analysis
3. McLeod, Travers , Hughes, Peter , Petcharamesree, Sriprapha et al. (2016) “The Andaman Sea Refugee Crisis a Year On: What Happened and How Did the Region Respond?” https://theconversation.com/the-andaman-sea-refugee-crisis-a-year-on-what-happened-and-how-did-the-region-respond-59686 (accessed 31 August 2020).
4. UNHCR (1979) “Handbook on Procedure and Criteria for Determining Refugee Status and Guidelines on International Protection,” https://www.unhcr.org/en-au/publications/legal/5ddfcdc47/handbook-procedures-criteria-determining-refugee-status-under-1951-convention.html (accessed 20 October 2020).