1. Mooney KM , Young IS & Cuskelly GJ The effect of folate, pyridoxine and riboflavin depletion on plasma homocysteine, 47A.
2. Small M , Soulsby CT , Durman K , Hoyle L & Powell-Tuck J Confirming gastric placement of nasogastric tubes in critically ill patients using pH measurements: is it feasible? 20A.
3. Nutrition Society Symposium on ‘End points in clinical nutrition trials’ Death, morbidity and economics are the only end points for trials
4. Craig LCA , Love J , Ratcliffe B & McNeill G The relationship between overweight and lifestyle factors in children from the National Diet and Nutrition Survey: young people aged 4-18 years, 53A.
5. Mackinnon LJ , Blake A , Ritchie MR & Riches AC Isoflavone content of soya-based beverages and desserts, 28A.