1. Information and Exhibition Center of Maidan Museum. Toward Freedom! January 2019. Description of the exhibition.
2. Suprun, Uliana . 2019. “Ne mozhna znyshchuvaty holovnoho svidka Revoliutsiï Hidnosti: chomu treba zberehty Instytuts′ku” [The Main Witness of the Revolution of Dignity Cannot Be Destroyed: Why It Is Necessary to Preserve the Institutska Street]. 24 Kanal, November 25, 2019. https://24tv.ua/ne_mozhna_znishhuvati_golovnogo_svidka_revolyutsiyi_gidnosti_chomu_treba_zberegti_institutsku_n1238232. (Accessed March 4, 2020.)
3. Druzhuk, Iryna . 2020. “Muzeǐ Nebesnoï Sotni: Maǐdan, shcho ne vidpuskaie” [Museum of the Heavenly Hundred: The Maidan that Will Not Let Go]. Ukrinform, February 19, 2020. https://www.ukrinform.ua/rubric-society/2878952-muzej-nebesnoi-sotni-majdan-so-ne-vidpuskae.html. (Accessed November 14, 2019.)
4. Poshyvailo, Ihor . 2019b. “Interv’iu z Ihorem Poshyvaǐlo” [Interview with Ihor Poshyvailo]. By Hanna Trehub. Tyzhden, February 19, 2019 https://tyzhden.ua/Culture/226302. (Accessed November 14, 2019.)