Chō Muneo,Itoh Masuo,Ōshiro Satoru
Let ℋ be a complex Hilbert space and B(ℋ) the algebra of all bounded linear operators on ℋ. Let ℋ(ℋ) be the algebra of all compact operators of B(ℋ). For an operator T ε B(ℋ), let σ(T), σp(T), σπ(T) and πoo(T) denote the spectrum, the point spectrum, the approximate point spectrum and the set of all isolated eigenvalues of finite multiplicity of T, respectively. We denote the kernel and the range of an operator T by ker(T) and R(T), respectively. For a subset of ℋ, the norm closure of is denoted by . The Weyl spectrum ω(T) of T ε B(ℋ) is defined as the set
Cambridge University Press (CUP)
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20 articles.