Bochkarev N.G.,Shapovalova A.I.,Burenkov A.N.,Vlasyuk V.V.
Several groups of astronomers in FSU (Former Soviet Union) and European countries have started, in 1998, a cooperative spectral and broad-band optical and UV-monitoring of the nuclei of selected Seyfert galaxies and quasars (10 objects). The monitoring is to be continued until Oct. 30, 2000. The spectral optical monitoring with CCD-cameras in the spectral range λλAA4000–8000ÅÅ is being carried out at two observatories: SAO RAS, Russia (6-m and 1-m telescopes) and at Kazakhstan (70-cm telescope). The resolution is about 3–10Å, the S/N ratio is ≍50–100. The broad-band optical monitoring with BVRI filters (with a 1% accuracy at the R-band) is being done at 5 observatories. NLR and ENLR in monitored galaxies will also be investigated.
Cambridge University Press (CUP)