In the rapidly evolving healthcare environment, perhaps
no role is in greater flux and redefinition than that of
the clinical bioethicist. The discussion of ethics
consultation in the bioethics literature has moved from
an ambiguous concern regarding its proper place in the
clinical milieu to the more provocative question of which
methods and theories should best characterize the intellectual
and practical work it claims to do. The American Society for
Bioethics and Humanities addressed these concerns in its
1998 report, Core Competencies for Health Care Ethics
Consultation. The report tries to answer the question
as to what disciplinary training, background experience, and
levels of knowledge in ethics the clinical ethics consultant
should have, and what specific skills and character traits the
clinical ethics consultant should cultivate. In addition to
acquiring knowledge of common bioethical issues, theoretical
concepts in ethical theory and moral reasoning, and health-related
law and policy, the report also recommends that ethics consultants
demonstrate knowledge of the health beliefs and perspectives
of patients and healthcare providers. In our opinion, this
recommendation underscores a crucial aspect of the practice of
ethics consultation in the increasingly multicultural settings
of healthcare institutions. Clearly, the dynamic of American life
and culture is permeated with diversity and variety as new groups
suffuse their own beliefs and faith perspectives into the health
sector. New immigrant groups force society to question traditional
healthcare practices and to accommodate changing medical needs.
Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Health Policy,Issues, ethics and legal aspects,Health(social science)
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20 articles.