1. Paugvik : a nineteenth-century native village on Bristol Bay, Alaska / Don E. Dumond, James W. VanStone.
2. Stuiver, Minze , Reimer, Paula J. , and Reimer, Ron W. 2020 CALIB 7.1. Electronic document, http://calib.org, accessed May 5, 2020.
3. Wayman, Michael L. , and Cooper, H. Kory 2005 Analysis of Copper and Iron Objects from Punyik Point. Report contracted by and on file at the Bureau of Land Management, Fairbanks District Office, Fairbanks, Alaska.
4. Ross, Lester A. 2005 European Glass Beads from the Punyik Point Site (XHP-308), Etivlik Lake, Alaska, ca. Late 16th to Mid-18th Centuries. Report contracted by and on file at the Bureau of Land Management, Fairbanks District Office, Fairbanks, Alaska.