The Peasantry in the Cuban Revolution


Alroy Gil Carl


The involvement of peasants in the rebellions and revolutions of the distant past has been impressive in certain respects, but never acquired quite the importance attributed to it in our own time. In terms of the sheer weight of their numbers, the vastness of the peasants involvement in some internal wars of the past may perhaps never be duplicated. Over twenty million Chinese peasants' were killed in the terrible T'ai-p'ing (1850–1864). Nor was the significance of these colossal figures limited to sheer mass, as the Mexican Revolution illustrates. But never before has so much reliance been put on the peasants for so ambitiously revolutionary plans as in our time. Particularly since the Chinese Communist Revolution, the peasantry has displaced the industrial proletariat as the crucial revolutionary class in the dogma of the most militant Marxists. We have been told repeatedly that Mao, Guevara, Giap, and their disciples have put their hopes in the peasantry and the countryside not merely for radical upheavals through revolutionary wars in underdeveloped countries, but also for global revolution. The role the peasants actually play in such revolutionary wars is among the crucial problems of our time.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Political Science and International Relations,Sociology and Political Science

Reference20 articles.

1. Guevara, who has forcefully affirmed that “the campesino fights because he wants land” in numerous ways (this particular phrase appeared early in Verde Olivo [April 9, 1961]), was alleged to have said soon after victory, with special reference to the Sierra peasants, that “the guajiros did not really want to be landowners” (reported by Victor Franco, in The Morning After, New York, 1963, p. 14).

2. A Caribbean Suez?;Johnson;New Statesman and Nation,1960

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